Why I Love Network Marketing
Dream big, start small.
Inuka_Pe is the very first business I fully committed to. Network Marketing is like the kiddies pool of the business world. It requires a low start-up cost R780, is all you need to start your business. You don't have to pay to have your products created. You simply buy already made stock from Inuka and you re-sell them.
By starting your business with a Network Marketing business, you actually get to learn how to be your own boss, how to start manage your own team and how to deal with difficult challenges. It teaches you consistency and resilience.
That's why I won't give up on my Inuka business. It's the starting point of big things to come. God can't bless you with big things, if you cannot make the best of the little things He placed into your hands. Most people frown upon Network Marketing, but I believe that it is the best way to start on your business journey. Once you can master your Network Marketing business, you can master any other business that you take on in the future.